Thursday, December 3, 2009

Frodo = Jesus?

So everyone likes to talk about the fact that Aragorn is a Christ figure except Megan who would rather view Gandalf is a picture of Christ. Here is a curveball for you: Frodo is a Christ figure. Yep, I said it. The little hobbit of the Shire is a type of Christ. Personally, I find it to be a little obvious. Think about it. He bears the burden of evil for everyone else. The task of carrying the ring to Mordor is his. Granted, he does have friends to help him, but it is his specific assignment. The fate of Middle Earth hangs around his neck for the greater part of the trilogy. Just as Christ carries the guilt and punishment for evil and sin on behalf of the world, so did Frodo do for Middle Earth. Just as Christ defeated evil and conquered Satan, so Frodo unmade the ring and conquered Sauron.

In the Bible Christ describes himself as gentle and lowly in heart (Matthew 11:29). Let’s face it, in Middle Earth you don’t get more lowly that a Hobbit of the Shire. Christ is the unexpected redeemer (most Jews expected a conqueror upon His first coming). I’m willing to bet that if you told any human in Middle Earth that it would be the job of a hobbit to unmake the ring of power and destroy Sauron, he would have laughed hysterically. It is the unexpected things that so often benefit us the most.

1 comment:

  1. I think they are all types of Christ. Tara was right when she made the observation of multiple Christ figures. They all show a bit of Christ.
