Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Green House Effect

Allie seeks refuge with a green house. The green house is constantly used to grow things and to cultivate life. The green house is defined by the color green, the word house, and the life that it gives.

The color green is the color that is traditionaly used to represent life. Allie seeks refuge in the place of life. This ruined house is now being used to cultivate new life in the place of the ruined life of Allie. Though she was once imprisoned in an assylum, she is now free, living in the remains of what once held life. The life of the plants destroyed the walls of the house. Now, in the abundant life of nature, the life of Allie is able to be cultivated and allowed to explode upon the world.

Without the word house, we would not be able to understand that the green house was actually a house. If we just called it green there would be no definition to it. It is a house of life. It is meant to hold and to cultivate life. Though the house is broken, it is still able to cause life. It does not actually cultivate and contain anymore, but it establishes. In the establishment of new life, one can grow. The fact that it is broken indicates that life has no bounds. One can do almost anything and there are no boundaries or rules to living.

This new life is extravagent. Life is now free and wild, left to do as it pleases. The laws and rules of society are virtualy inexistant within the confines of the broken green house. Now, within the shattered walls of the life house, Allie is allowed to live with no restriction and with joy. She is able to have fun and love what she does. She thinks as she wants and speaks in a way that she understands.

Let's all go live in the wildness of nature.

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